WiFi Yönlendirici Anteni
How does a antenna watertight breather valve work? Read this and you'll understand! Jun,15 2022

How does a antenna watertight breather valve work? Read this and you'll understand!


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With the development of the times, the pursuit of users is getting higher and higher, in the waterproof function above is also the same, from the beginning of IP54 to nowadays IP68 level waterproof. These days, some friends ask what is the working principle of waterproof ventilation valve? Let's solve this problem today!

Waterproof relief valve is a two-way waterproof breathable pressure relief from the surface, not considered a one-way valve. Waterproof vent valve (also known as PUW vent valve) is mainly used eptfe membrane injection molding, ultrasonic welding and other forms of combination to become a sealed component. There are mainly threaded, press-in, snap-in, twist-in, etc. PUW valves are mainly used to measure whether a valve is good or not by two indicators: 1.

antenna watertight breather

Waterproof ventilation valve working principle.

PUW waterproof permeable valve uses imported expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (E-PTFE) microporous membrane carefully manufactured, the imported E-PTFE membrane microporous diameter between 0.1-10 μm, however, the molecules of the gas is only about 0.0004 μm, EPTFE membrane pore size than the diameter of the gas 250-25000 times, so the gas can pass smoothly; and the diameter of the mauve has 400 μm, 40-4000 times larger than the film's microporous diameter, in addition, because the EPTFE film material surface energy is very low, the contact angle of 135.6 °, because the surface tension effect (water molecules pull each other) water vapor condensation into small droplets in the EPTFE film surface shape large larger water droplets, can effectively prevent liquid water wetting and capillary penetration, so has a good waterproof breathable performance.

antenna watertight breather

puw waterproof breathable valve has been widely used in electronic products, outdoor lamps, automotive manufacturing, solar photovoltaic, electronic appliances, communication equipment, security equipment and many other industries with waterproof needs


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